The characters typically disguise themselves as novices, who appear clueless while hiding their equipment in their inventory. They trick other players to RS Gold attack them, and activate the Skull. If they are struck, the real fight begins. Pures quickly change their gear and then take on the people who were planning to kill them in the first place. They have low combat levels, they could appear as an easy target, however the calculation is based on the skills of Attack, Defence Hitpoints, Prayer Strength as well as Ranged and Magic. By keeping the stats below, you can achieve max hits while having no disadvantages.
The process of creating a Pure character may be difficult as you must keep from acquiring levels in certain abilities at all cost. This means that you must always check which type of combat you're employing. By using, for instance, an Accurate method of fighting, you will gain the experience you need in Attack and Hitpoints.
The style that is aggressive adds points in Hitpoints and Strength as well as Defensive in Defence and Hitpoints. The controlled style is able to add points in all the above at the same time. As you can see, choosing the wrong method of fighting could lead to the leveling of an unneeded skill and, therefore, in ruining the Pure aspect of the account.
Another threat to the purity of your account lies in the quest rewards. players who wish to become pures will have to take extra care of what they will receive at conclusion of NPC missions. These quests typically offer the highest amount of experience in certain of the abilities, therefore they are quite effective in terms of leveling, however they can also be death sentence for an Pure player. Those who have chosen to only level certain traits must pay close attentively to Buy OSRS Gold what rewards they may receive at the end of their mission.